Sunday 14 September 2008

Personal attacks by Politicians for Vote bank

I think now India is at a verge of break/split and very soon we will find India into small provinces rather then a single united country. Soon, you will need visa to travel across states. I thought that only handful politicians use to provoke or target Hindi-speaking people to get cheap publicity and media attention, but when I read the comments I am shocked that not only politicians but other common people think the same. When I came abroad for work 10 years ago, I had several racial encounters; it happens in most of the countries like US, UK anywhere. Locals will target you as a foreign worker, but when you get the same treatment back in your own country, think how you will feel? Earlier politicians in Maharastra targeted Gujrati to throw them out of state, same thing had happened in South India for many decades. Similarly Biharies getting targeted in Assam and recently again in Maharastra. Tell me guys do you want to divide this country on language basis?? Can’t you see the shitty politics behind this?? Just for vote bank and cheap sensationalism across media this drama is all about. What you will get by targeting Amitabh or Shahrukh ?? What is there fault if they belong to UP or Delhi?? Come out of India, then only you will realise what country means? Please stop targeting individuals just because they speak Hindi, Gujrati or Tamil or they hail from different states. It’s better late then never, Wake up India.

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