Monday 15 September 2008

Lehman Brothers files for bankruptcy

Today is one of the black day in the history of financial market. The reason I am more worried is the down turn effect in the Indian IT market which directly/indirectly depends on US banking and finance sectors. Already the credit crunch has shown effect in major job cuts in India and after Lehman crisis, I believe the situation will be worst. I called up my friend today in Hyd, India and he told me that major IT players have already started showing the pink slips. So far TCS has fired 1000, Wipro 1500, IBM 2500, CTS has closed down one of its facility at Mumbai and Satayam 4500. There are close to 3000 to 4000 small scale IT companies which primarily depends on US market and trust me they are really in a very bad shape. I think this slow down is going to be more worst then what we have seen in 2001 and 2002. All the new recruitment has been stopped and most of the selected candidates have been given a window of 3 years to be reconsidered. Just wondering how volatile our fast growing India economy is and how much we depend on US. Analysts are predicting that it will take at least 2010 to recover. Well not a good day at all. :-( Worried

Sunday 14 September 2008

Politics over Nano in West Bengal

Congratulation to Mamta and the entire Trinamool congress for their grand success to throw out the industrialisation drives from West Bengal. She wants all of us to grow rice for another hundred years. What a shameful day for West Bengal and it is all because of Mamta and her supporters. One thing which I don’t understand that why such a hard liner CMP is so handicapped in front of Mamta Banerjee?? Dual policy from Centre has also helped this crisis and now we are paying the price for it.
Politicians take up unnecessary issues only for cheap popularity and vote bank but they don’t understand the repercussion and down stream effect to the common people. This stigma will take at least a decade to fade.

Personal attacks by Politicians for Vote bank

I think now India is at a verge of break/split and very soon we will find India into small provinces rather then a single united country. Soon, you will need visa to travel across states. I thought that only handful politicians use to provoke or target Hindi-speaking people to get cheap publicity and media attention, but when I read the comments I am shocked that not only politicians but other common people think the same. When I came abroad for work 10 years ago, I had several racial encounters; it happens in most of the countries like US, UK anywhere. Locals will target you as a foreign worker, but when you get the same treatment back in your own country, think how you will feel? Earlier politicians in Maharastra targeted Gujrati to throw them out of state, same thing had happened in South India for many decades. Similarly Biharies getting targeted in Assam and recently again in Maharastra. Tell me guys do you want to divide this country on language basis?? Can’t you see the shitty politics behind this?? Just for vote bank and cheap sensationalism across media this drama is all about. What you will get by targeting Amitabh or Shahrukh ?? What is there fault if they belong to UP or Delhi?? Come out of India, then only you will realise what country means? Please stop targeting individuals just because they speak Hindi, Gujrati or Tamil or they hail from different states. It’s better late then never, Wake up India.

Recent bomb blast in our capital

How many more bomb blasts, how many more innocent killings?? I don’t understand what our government, intelligence; agencies are doing to deal with this problem. Home secretary said yesterday that they are learning from these attacks and will take preventive measures accordingly. What a shame?? Still we are learning only, our national integrity is an experiment ground for the home secretary to learn. Bangalore, Ahmedabed, Mumbai, Jaipur attacks are not sufficient at all to learn the evil mission of extremists and the politicians still need more killing to come up with a well proof plan to save us. Are we really solving the root cause of this problem? Why Centre Government is hesitating to implement the Terror law in states so that we can empower the Police to take preventing measures. Is the “Terror Law” boils down to vote bank strategy for the minorities? When Delhi high court lifted the ban on SIMI, many political parties congratulated this decision. Only God can save this country. I think we are following the same track record of Iraq , in just four years period we encountered 14 major bombing incident, more than 600 died and thousand injured. It’s a high time for the centre government to take some hard actions till it is too late.